Welcome to Indonesian Schools with Online Classes | Herman Nz's Perspectives

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Indonesian Schools in Perspectives

From Indonesian history, Education system which was managed by Indonesian government was begun after Indonesian Independent Day. It was a hard duty for all elements at that time to build a solid Education System to improve Indonesia People in knowledge, insight, science and technology.

Before Indonesian Independent Day, in the long run, in an era of dutch colonialism, Indonesian Education had been pioneered by some incredible people, such as, RA.Kartini (female) and Ki Hajar Dewantara (male). They struggled to run education by teaching in a small places, homes and every chances. They even didnot care of themselves. They did it to make Indonesian teenagers smart and had basic knowledge and science to lead the state of Indonesia.

After years later, reformation in Education system dynamically changes for betterment. University and Academy appears on the chain of education system in Indonesia.

In this globalization era, competition in education sector has inspired private corporations to change and run a business in education sector, such as, academy, courses, facilities to support education chains. This changes has colorized the education in Indonesia, including the students achievement, potency and capacity.

In line with the competition, based on the geographical appearance, speed of information and flexible system of education specially for long distance schools insist of education to step forward and issue a system of online education - online school and online classes. This demands the government to discuss and should take time to do an intensive research, concerning the online school with online classes. Only few of Domestic University or Academy carries out this online system.

Pre-Observation in 2012-2013

Open University (Universitas Terbuka) as a type of Long distance Study in Indonesia has the restricted online system, It administers the enrollment and recruitment, payment method as well as the brief tutorial or modules which can be downloaded online. This mechanism forces the students to learn independently at their home or other chances. Further, conventional University or Academy has ever attempted the full online system, however, it obstacles many aspects, such as, internet access, students basic economy, human resources (qualified or not qualified, including staffs) and chances.

To run this online classes system in the level of Elementary schools goes impossible, even the demands of this system must be carried as soon as possible.

To see the problem background, Herman Nz attempts to do an intensive research and provide valid information about online classes system through this simple blog to contribute related elements in this sector to discuss and to analyze more deeply and seriously.

Bukit Kemuning, North Lampung - Indonesia
Herman Nz.

In connection to the Author's Qualification, please feel free to go to his resume or curriculum vitae.